ArticleHelping Bored Dogs
If you’ve never come home to find energetic puppies or bored dogs have chewed up or destroyed something, you’ve been doing everything right!
ArticleDog and Cat Stress, Anxiety and Fear
It can be a scary world out there, and our pets may need some help dealing with it. Keeping our pets happy and reducing dog and cat stress improves their overall health.
NewsDo Dogs Know When They've Done Something Wrong?
Many people will swear their dogs know when they have done something wrong like chewing a shoe, using the bathroom in the house or stealing food from the counter top. So why do so many scientist and animal behaviorist say a dog's guilty looking...
BlogPet Safety Tips for in Your Home
With two young, small dogs, I have my hands full much of the time, and pet safety is always a concern. All good pet parents (like myself, of course!) know that pets like dogs and cats need adequate exercise, nutrition, medical care, and many...
NewsPet Trusts: Estate Planning for Your Pets After You're Gone
As of earlier this year, all 50 states have passed legislature allowing pet trusts. Pet trusts, also referred to as pet estate trusts, can be used to detail how your beloved furry family member will be taken care of. If you are considering a pet...
NewsMistaken Identity: A Wolf-Dog Puppy Story
We have all heard stories about skunks, rats and other wild animals being mistaken for domestic pets until taken in the vet where their true identity was revealed. Who knows how many of these were just tall tales or urban legends, but for one...
BlogHalloween Safety for Pets
Halloween is right around the corner. For some, the whole family shares in the spooky festivities which makes for a great time. With pets in the house, be sure to take steps so the good times don't turn into a trip to the emergency vet...
NewsMicrochip and Social Sharing Reunite Dog and Pet Parent
Pet microchipping can provide pet parents with the peace of mind that if their beloved furry family member is ever lost, there is hope he can be brought back home. Recently this is exactly what happened to a woman and her dog in Jacksonville,...
NewsRescue Cat Rescues His Owner
When Glen Shallman adopted his cat Blake, he had no idea that in changing Blake's life, he was changing his own. Mr. Shallman suffers from 3 life threatening rare brain diseases that cause seizures. Some of the seizures have occurred in his...